Improve Your Memory In Record Time

The Magnetic Memory Method teaches you how to use elements from your own life and your everyday world to build effective Memory Palace journeys. You can build  hundreds, if not thousands of them if you wish.

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind used to store and retrieve information that you want to memorize. Although related to the world of mnemonics, Memory Palaces are much more powerful than any single mnemonic.

Why? Because all the other memory techniques that you could ever possibly hope to use can be stored and used inside of Memory Palaces.

Typically Memory Palaces are based on familiar real locations, such as your home, schools you have attended, places you have worked, churches or movie theatres.

There are countless options, and you can use literally any place you are familiar with to memorize information.

The Magnetic Memory Method video courses also covers using “Virtual Memory Palaces.” These imaginary locations can be effective so long as you follow the major Magnetic Memory principles. Anyone can experiment with using them and anyone can get great results.

Grab your access to the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass today and achieve fantastic breakthroughs, help you improve your memory and remember names, faces, foreign language vocabulary and much more.

When you invest in this comprehensive memory program today you’ll receive…

#1) The Magnetic Memory Masterclass – You’ll get access to all the memory courses, showing you step-by-step proven techniques to skyrocket your ability to memorize anything.

You’ll receive the foundations course, the “Masterplan,” and the core memory courses devoted to the major skills needed to succeed rapidly (vocabulary, names, poetry, numbers).

#2) Memory Bonus #1: How to Memorize the Terminology of Any Profession. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to step up your game if you want to make it to the next level in life. This bonus will help make sure that happens.

#4) Memory Bonus #2: The Ultimate Language Learning Secret – This important bonus is your magic formula for accomplishing your learning goals quickly and easily.

#5) Memory Bonus #3: The Magnetic Memory Method Newsletter – You’ll get access to hundreds of pages of backup coaching and all the insight and inspiration you’ll ever need to create killer Memory Palaces, plus tons more.

#6) Memory Bonus #4: How To Remember Your Dreams – Experience incredible boosts in concentration, creativity and memory in just a short time with this amazing bonus that taps into the massive amount of imaginative power sitting dormant in your mind.

#7) Memory Bonus #5: Visualization Mastery – Every memory and creative visualization exercise I know from my friendships with multiple memory experts and memory champions is packed into this fun memory course.

#8) All Future Updates – Anthony  constantly adds new FAQ videos, walkthroughs and posts specific to customers of the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass, based on YOUR feedback.

Get full access to the entire course, all bonuses and all future surprise updates.

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Just click or tap the button below, enter your information and that’s it. Nothing to mail in or send.

You can have immediate (and unlimited) access to the entire Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass in a matter of minutes.

Go HERE to learn more!

What others say…

Few modern-day authors have written in as much depth and with as much passion as Anthony Metivier on the subject of memory palaces and how to apply them to practical memorization tasks. Although the core techniques have been around for centuries, Metivier’s approach breathes new life into a fascinating and incredibly practical skill that is just as useful today as ever before. – Dr. Gabriel Recchia

I was SO petrified for my upcoming semester because of the amount of information I had to remember. And I would spend hours frustratingly outlining all the chapters… but found that nothing was sticking! But now, with your method… all of the sudden… I can study anything!! - Darren Voss, Medical Professional

If you want to take your Memory to another level and create a comprehensive system to NEVER have any problem related to memory anymore, then don’t miss this opportunity because it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! – Rodolfo Oliveira

Even though I’m already fluent in many languages, this method is really impressive. It is now even easier to remember small details that I had to look up before. – Jonathan Ortheden

This course does exactly what it says and it “shows” you how to be successful. I have read 10 books on Memory Palaces and none demonstrate the method. Anthony shows you how to create personal experiences for long term memory retention. – Bradley Leese

I´d come to this course because I needed to learn French in a rush for a test. It went well and I’m going to France! So this course is very well explained, even for a non-native English speaker. I thought I was going to have a little trouble with this course, but no. The course was well explained. I felt like Anthony was there, he really want us to learn all of this and be successful. – Jonathan Aguirr

Go HERE to learn more!

About Anthony Metivier

Bestselling author Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

An author of over 10 bestselling books, Metivier holds a PhD in Humanities from York University, an MA in Media and Communications from the European Graduate School, and an MA and BA in English Literature from York University

Metivier  writes his books for a variety of people who need help with a number of different memory needs. What separates him from other authors on memory skills and development is that he doesn’t focus on long strings of digits or training for memory championships. He offers simple techniques for memorizing the information that will change your daily life: foreign language vocabulary, names and faces, material for tests and exams